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Wrawby St Mary's CofE Primary School

Be the best that you can be

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Our Vision - At Wrawby St. Mary’s CE Primary School, we strive for a full life in mind, body, heart and spirit to plan, prosper and give hope and a future to all. We believe in a journey of education enabling every child to feel love, challenge and excitement as they access skills to build future pioneers and leaders. Our school is a beacon of hope and sign of the kingdom.

Year 3/4

Information for parents & carers

Week beginning 10th February 2025

This half term we have been using a range of balances within our PE lesson to improve our control and fluidity between movements. The children have practised independent, mirrored and supported balances which have then been turned into sequences with a partner.

Week commencing 27th January 2025

Week commencing 20th January 2025

In English, we have been exploring the key features of persuasive letter writing by looking at examples that have been written to companies and also those based on characters in books. Class 3 are passionate about recycling and have been shocked to see the amount of single use plastic that is just thrown away as litter. The children stated that some of the bins in Brigg are overflowing and they have seen single use plastic, especially bottles and sweet wrappers, in the River Ancholme when they've been for a walk. We decided to write a letter to the manager of Tesco in Brigg to try and persuade her to reduce the amount of single use plastic they use as packaging. 

Week commencing 13th January 2025

Last week, in computing, the children created their own mini flip book. This week, after watching a little bit of Wallace and Gromit for inspiration, we made our first stop frame animation by using a whiteboard, whiteboard pen and an iPad.


Alfie and Olivia.mp4

Still image for this video

Joe and Willow.mp4

Still image for this video

Teddy and Thomas.mp4

Still image for this video

Week commencing 16th December 2024

On Wednesday the children took part in a carousel of indoor athletics activities to consolidate skills learnt this term.


Week commencing 2nd December 2024

Thursday was pyjama run day where the children (and teachers!) were able to just drag themselves out of bed and come straight to school in their nightwear. Class 3 had to do 4 laps of the the school field and collected a small gift on each lap whilst raising money for Lindsey Lodge Hospice.


In music this week, we have been learning our Christmas song in preparation for the Christmas Service at church. Over the past term, we have been learning to read standard notation and play the first few notes on a recorder. We have recorded a short video for you to enjoy.


Still image for this video

Week commencing 25th November 2024

This week Class 3 took part in a live LYFTA time with other schools from across the country. The children  were introduced to Aci, a disability activist in Central Java, Indonesia. After experiencing a sudden physical disability, she initiated a disability community project, working with disabled people and campaigning for their rights. The children were asked to consider why her work was so important and Ryan spoke to the LYFTA community, telling them that everyone has the right to be treated equally and shouldn't be underestimated.

Week commencing 18th November 2024


In history, we have been looking at the Anglo-Saxon era and we've discovered that they came over from areas within what is now known as Denmark and Germany. This week, we looked at local village and town names and decided if they were Anglo-Saxon in origin. We also realised that there are a lot of Viking influences in our local area too.

Perhaps you could find more Anglo-Saxon names on Google Maps or notice them when driving around and the children can come in and tell us about them next week.

Week commencing 11th November 2024

On Wednesday, we joined East Ravendale for two worships via teams for Inter-faith day. In the morning Miss Wilson shared a video of two friends, Imam Irfan and his friend Reverend Mark. Even though they have very different beliefs that unite and divide them, but they work together for the community in which they live and work. During the day, the children enjoyed looking at the different features of a church and crafting their own - inside and out - before sharing their models with the two schools.

Week commencing 4th November 2024

In Science this week, we were investigating the question 'How can magnets make things move on different surfaces?' We explored this by predicting and then measuring the distance between a paperclip and magnet before the paperclip moved on a variety of surfaces. We then recorded our results on a table and then transferred this information onto a bar chart.

Week commencing 28th October 2024

This week the children grabbed their dancing shoes and took to the floor at the 'Spooky disco' organised by the Friends of Wrawby. There was dressing up, dancing, games, a quiet area for when they'd exhausted themselves and hot dogs! 

On Wednesday, Mr Buckley visited us with his guide dog, Deisel, to talk to the children about the impact having a guide dog has had on his life. He explained that there are less than 4,000 guide dogs in the UK and yet there are around 340,000 people registered blind or partially sighted. As a school we are hoping to raise £200 to support the amazing work carried out by Guide Dogs for the Blind.


Week commencing 14th October 2024

Week commencing 7th October 2024

Week commencing 30th September 2024

In Science this week, the children were asked, "How do our skeletons help us?". We began by drawing around our bodies in chalk on the playground and labelling our outlines with the bones from the body that we know. After that we learned the names of the different bones in our legs (fibula, tibula and femur) as well as the bones in our arms (ulna, radius and humerus). We were amazed to find out that the smallest bone in our body is in the ear!


Class 3 discovered that humans need their skeletons to: protect the vital organs in our bodies, support our shape and allows for movement through joints.

Week commencing 23rd September 2024

Anyone fancy a cuppa? Class 3 were excited to become official royal tea tasters for Buckingham Palace this week. We sampled morning berry, lemon and ginger, liquorice and peppermint and green tea. Impressively, they tried them all! Once sniffed and savoured, the children wrote a short description that would tempt their audience. With our non-chronological report on tea now complete, we look forward to sharing them with you.

Week commencing 16th September 2024

How lovely for the sun to be shining for PE on Tuesday where Class 3 were developing their evasive movements in a range of activities from 'Tiggy statues' to 'Piggy in the Middle'. The children needed to be aware of the space and people around them, be prepared for the element of surprise and constantly be on the move.

Week commencing 9th September 2024

This week, maths has been all about time. Year 3 have been using analogue clocks to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes, whilst Year 4 have been converting analogue times to digital and then using this skill to solve simple problems.

Week commencing 5th September 2024

Welcome back!

Well, Autumn has come round quickly once again! As we begin a new academic year, full of excitement and hope for what's to come on our next learning journey, Class 3 have quickly settled into a new routine and are keen to 'be the best that they can be'. If you click on the stars above, you will find a link that will download a PDF version of what the children will be learning about across the curriculum this half term. 'Learning with parents' is now active for you to be able to record a comment, post a photo or record an audio of your child reading. I look forward to sharing and celebrating your child's achievements.


Although it's only been a short week, we began our English unit of work by becoming apprentice biscuit tasters for Buckingham Palace. We had to savour the taste and aroma of a selection of biscuits before writing descriptions for each that would tempt King Charles's taste buds! 
