Information for parents & carers
Week commencing 5th September 2024
Welcome back!
Well, Autumn has come round quickly once again! As we begin a new academic year, full of excitement and hope for what's to come on our next learning journey, Class 3 have quickly settled into a new routine and are keen to 'be the best that they can be'. If you click on the stars above, you will find a link that will download a PDF version of what the children will be learning about across the curriculum this half term. 'Learning with parents' is now active for you to be able to record a comment, post a photo or record an audio of your child reading. I look forward to sharing and celebrating your child's achievements.
Although it's only been a short week, we began our English unit of work by becoming apprentice biscuit tasters for Buckingham Palace. We had to savour the taste and aroma of a selection of biscuits before writing descriptions for each that would tempt King Charles's taste buds!