At Wrawby St Mary's we believe that Religious Education is a key component to our work as a Church school. We believe Religious Education is concerned with the deep meaning that individuals and groups make of their experiences and how this helps to give purpose to their lives. It provides opportunities to explore, make and respond to the meanings of those experiences in relation to the beliefs and experiences of others as well as to their own.
It is our intent that our RE curriculum engages, inspires and challenges learners, equips them with the knowledge and skills to ask and answer challenging questions, be curious and explore different religious beliefs, values and traditions - beliefs and practices that are followed in our multi-cultural society.
As we aim to develop pioneers and leaders of the future - global citizens with the skills to flourish in our constantly changing world - we believe the purpose of RE is to enable pupils to become religiously literate or to further develop their existing religious literacy.
At Wrawby St Mary's, we follow the Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus as the basis of our curriculum. This provides a spiral curriculum that ensures topics are revisited as children move through the school, with each encounter increasing in complexity and reinforcing previous learning. Teaching is enhanced through dedicated units from Understanding Christianity which enables children to develop their understanding of Biblical text and what this means to Christians today. Pupils have opportunities to examine and evaluate, make connections between key concepts and the wider world. Understanding Christianity encourages pupils to explore core Biblical texts and examine the impact for Christians and consider possible implications.
Throughout all their RE learning pupils utilise attitudes fundamental to RE, such as curiosity, perseverance, fairness, compassion, respect, open-mindedness and enquiry. These work alongside the Collective Worship and SMSC links implemented within the school as a whole.