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Wrawby St Mary's CofE Primary School

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Our Vision - At Wrawby St. Mary’s CE Primary School, we strive for a full life in mind, body, heart and spirit to plan, prosper and give hope and a future to all. We believe in a journey of education enabling every child to feel love, challenge and excitement as they access skills to build future pioneers and leaders. Our school is a beacon of hope and sign of the kingdom.

Welcome and School Vision

Our School Vision


At Wrawby St Mary's Primary School, we strive for a full life in mind, body, heart and spirit to plan, prosper and give hope and a future to all. We believe in a journey of education enabling every child to feel love, challenge and excitement as they access skills to build future pioneers and leaders. 

Our school is a beacon of hope and sign of the kingdom.


'Hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.' Romans 5:5


Our values as a caring Christian community are built on compassion, trust and friendship in partnership with our Trust ethos of excellence, exploration and encouragement powered by equity. Our work and vision is based on the core values stated above alongside the additional values of love, perseverance, forgiveness, kindness, peace and self-control. These values clearly state our firm belief in God overarched by the universal value of hope and our school ethos, all of which is encapsulated in our full curriculum offer. 

Welcome Letter
