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Wrawby St Mary's CofE Primary School

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Our Vision - At Wrawby St. Mary’s CE Primary School, we strive for a full life in mind, body, heart and spirit to plan, prosper and give hope and a future to all. We believe in a journey of education enabling every child to feel love, challenge and excitement as they access skills to build future pioneers and leaders. Our school is a beacon of hope and sign of the kingdom.

Class 2

Welcome to Class 2 

Our class teachers are Mrs Plange and Mrs Weston

Our teaching assistant is Mrs Culpin


Year 2 have access to Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS). You can visit Times tables Rockstars ( to log on.

You will need to log on as a student and find Wrawby St Marys Primary School. Your username will be sent home in a letter. The children will also stick a copy of their username and password in their reading diary. Mrs Plange has set it so the children can practise their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. 


Autumn Term 1 Please see attached the parent information sheet for further information about your child's learning and spellings covered this half term.

Week beginning Monday 15th July

The children in Year 2 worked together in pairs in science this week to try and create the best protection for an egg if dropped from a height.

They thought about what materials would be best and how they could ensure it was a fair test.

Some of their eggs stayed together and others broke. We reflected on what worked well and what we could change next time to help keep the egg protected. 


Week beginning Monday 8th July

On Wednesday we held our annual sports day in school and it was amazing to see the children dressed in their team colours. It was a fantastic day and dry for which we are thankful. Year 1 and 2 had a fantastic morning taking part in the standing long jump, distance run and vortex howler throwing event. It was lovely to see past pupils from Sir John Nelthorpe leading the events. What an amazing job they did! They all earned points for their teams for sports day and displayed determination, perseverance and a great amount of effort. Many thanks to all the parents who came along in the afternoon to cheer us all on. Finally, well done to red team for another win.



Week beginning Monday 1st July 

The Year 1 children have been learning about capacity and volume in maths. We started the week with the children showing different capacities using water this included full, half full, nearly full and empty. We then predicted which container they thought held the most/least?

On Tuesday the whole school took part in 'Quad kids'. The children had the opportunity to part in the  long jump, vortex howler, long distance and short distance running events.

A fantastic day was had by all at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park on Wednesday. The children gained the opportunity to explore our school values and put them into practise outside the classroom. We are so proud of all the pupils in Class 2 who displayed exemplary behaviour. The children particularly enjoyed our classroom based session in which they observed and touched a range of animal artefacts such as skulls, claws, feathers and live invertebrates. 

Week beginning Monday 24th June

In English this week we started by reading the book, 'The Tunnel' by Anthony Browne. The children  sequenced the story in pictures (Yr1 ) and words (Yr2). As the week has progressed we have been using our imagination to think where else the tunnel could transport the little girl.

The children worked hard in PE on Tuesday despite the heat to practise their jumping skills in athletics.

Week beginning Monday 17th June

As part of National Sports Week Class 2 took part in an orienteering session on Tuesday. The children worked as part of a team to complete various courses set up on the school field and play ground.

Week beginning Monday 10th June

This week Class 2 enjoyed the open the book story entitled, 'More trouble for Paul'. The children thought about how they could help others in school or at home over the course of the week like Paul.

In computing Year 2 have been creating rhythm patterns and  playing them using musical instruments. They then progressed to using Chrome Music Lab on the laptops to create rhythms.

Year 1 have been looking at equal and unequal groups in maths.

Week beginning Monday 3rd June

In history this week the children have been comparing toys from the past to the present day.


The children have started each English lesson this week recapping GPaS skills previously taught. They have then investigated a range of instruction texts identifying the key features of instructional writing. 



Week beginning Monday 20th May

The children enjoyed taking part in our whole school meditation event on Tuesday afternoon. The children had the opportunity to take part in mindfulness colouring, yoga, meditation and music sessions in mixed years groups.


A rainy Wednesday didn't stop us in PE this week. The children worked hard in an indoor athletics carousel.

Week beginning Monday 13th May

We have been reading 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' in English and the children can be seen working with clay to sculpt a basket - illustrating an element of the story.

They have also sculpted a paper seagull, a small fishing boat and the cottage and lighthouse connected by a zip wire! The children will happily retell the story I'm sure if you ask them. 

Working with clay

Week beginning Monday 6th May 

In science this week the Year 2 children set up their experiment and have been busy planting seeds and bulbs. Year 1 planted bean seeds 2 weeks ago and have enjoyed watching them germinate.

Week beginning Monday 29th April 

The children looked at a variety of different sculptures this week. They discussed materials used by different artists and then set about creating their own monster sculpture using paper and craft materials. They then sculpted a paper boat for their monster - great job!

Work in progress

Great work in Music this week. The children created and played different rhythm patterns on percussion instruments. They played in groups listening, carefully to each other, and kept to the beat. They made wonderful polyrhythmic music by combining their patterns - fantastic!


Week beginning Monday 22nd April

The children settled quickly back into learning following the Easter break and have been busy in all areas across the curriculum.

What a fabulous job Class 2 have made in making their DT project glove puppets!

This week in computing Year 2 have been using the ScratchJr app. Children identified the start of sequences in real-world scenarios, and then went on to learn that sequences need to be started in ScratchJr. Children created programs to run in full-screen mode using the green flag.

In maths Year 2 have been adding two 2digit numbers using concrete materials set out like the formal method. 

Week beginning Monday 25th March 2024

This week in maths Year 2 have been measuring length and height in metres. The children investigated objects around the classroom that were longer or shorter than 1 metre. The children then progressed to estimating and measuring the width and length of the school hall.

The sun shone for us on Tuesday as we walked to church to attend our annual Easter service. The children enjoyed as always listening to Mrs Marr who led the service and singing songs we have been rehearsing in school with Miss Oliver. 

Week beginning Monday 18th March

It was lovely to see so many parents and grandparents were able to join us for Easter craft afternoon. The children certainly enjoyed getting crafty.

Week beginning Monday 11th March

In computing Year 2 were introduced to the concepts of light and focus as further important aspects of good photography composition. The children investigated the effect good lighting has on the quality of the photos they take, and explored the effect of a camera flash as an artificial light source. Below are some pictures of the children find good and bad lightning.  


This week is British Science week so on Wednesday afternoon the whole  school took part in a science carousel. The children rotated classrooms in mixed year groups. Each class had a different experiment for the children to attempt. Below are some pictures of the children making and testing some rockets. It was lovely to see some siblings choosing to work together on tasks. Many of our school values were demonstrated today. What a great afternoon!



Week beginning Monday 4th March

Great fun this week with World Book Day on Thursday 7th March.

The children enjoyed telling the story that they had characterised in dressed up - they also brought in potato head characters made at home - well done !

Can you work out the characters?

The local fire service made a visit to Class 1 and 2 this week. The children learnt about the different roles the fire fighters play in our community. The children will be using this experience to write a recount about a real life event in English.

Week beginning 26th February 2024

Year 2 Maths this week has been division - the children carefully read word problems - showed how to 'build it' 'draw it' and then 'write it' !!! Fabulous work - well done !

The DT topic this term is textile - puppets.  The children had great fun looking at different types of puppet and then making a finger puppet.



The hall was filled with ripples of laughter and excitement on Wednesday afternoon when Steve Webb joined us for our comic workshop. 


Week beginning Monday 19th February

In science Year 2 have been investigating which materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.

This week Year 2 started their new unit in computing entitled, 'Digital Photography'. Children learnt the concept that many devices can be used to take photographs. In the lesson, children begin to capture their own photographs. These pictures included a picture of an object close up, far away, selfie, action shot and a  picture of a building. 

The children in Year 1 have enjoyed revisiting their learning from last year about programming the beebots. They have been learning to programme them with instructions and then debugging the instructions when they don't quite go to plan!


Week beginning Monday 5th February

Year 1 have been really enjoying our science work on materials, we have been exploring everyday materials and their properties. This week we did an investigation into floating and sinking. It was great fun making our predictions and seeing if we were correct. 

Week beginning Monday 29th January

This week the children have completed a drawing of a vehicle in Art. We have a gallery of their work now proudly displayed in the classroom. During this term they have had the opportunity of trying different mediums - soft sketch pencil. charcoal and chalk, and today they used ink. Splendid work!

Artists at work!

Week beginning Monday 22nd January

Well done to the children in KS1 who represented our school in the Brigg Cluster Benchball competition at The Vale Academy on Tuesday. 

In maths this week Year 2 have been using concrete materials to build and add two two-digits numbers.


Year 2 in computing have been following algorithms on paper and predicting outcomes. They then progressed to programming a robot to follow a sequence.

Week beginning Monday 15th January Getting busy in the morning with 'Mini Maths' activities - children spend 5 minutes each morning sharpening their mental maths skills.

Class 2 are practising their sketching skills in Art lessons this term - they used understanding of concentric shapes to sketch different vehicles - they looked carefully at size and proportion of the shapes and then added detail - great job!

Week beginning Monday 8th January

Happy New Year Class 2. 

Year 2 started 2024 recapping time in maths. We started by making an analogue clock and discussing what time a new year starts. We used our clocks to practise making and reading o'clock, half, past, quarter past and quarter to times.

We started our new gymnastic unit this week in PE. The children used different stepping movements demonstrating control, purpose, speed and posture.

Week beginning Monday 18th December

What an amazing Christmas performance! Well done Class 2 we are so proud of you all. You all worked hard to learn your lines and looked fantastic in your costumes. Many thanks to all the parents/carers for your continued support in making this possible.

We hope you enjoyed watching 'Santa's Setbacks' as much as we did rehearsing.


In science this week the year 2 children have been looking at their personal hygiene. We discussed when and why we should wash our hands. The children then tested their hand washing skills by using some glitter bug potion. The children rubbed glitter potion on their hands and then washed their hands. They finally placed their hands under an ultra violet light to see if they had missed any spots.

Week beginning 11th December

This week the children evaluated the picnic plate they made last week for DT. They have learnt about the importance of a balanced diet to keep healthy. They did a fabulous job putting the elements of their plate of food together, learning different techniques to hold food for chopping - the claw grip and the bridge hold. They will now have skills to help in the kitchen at home - maybe we have a budding Jamie Oliver in the making!

Week beginning Monday 4th December

This week in RE pupils have been looking at the different ways Muslims welcome a new baby into the Muslim community. Below is a picture of our role playing showing how the father, or a respected member of the local community, whispers the Adhan into the baby's right ear. 

In maths Year 2 have been looking at multiplication this week building arrays and describing rows.

Week beginning Monday 27th November

Class 2 took part in our annual cross country event this week. The children cheered on their peers and showed great determination in completing the course. Today was a super example of how the children strive to fulfil some of our school values perseverance and kindness. 

Week beginning Monday 20th November

Class 2 had a Christmas play rehearsal today (Monday). It was clear to see that many children have been busy practising their lines at home. Well done!

During break-time this week the children have been making good use of the PE equipment and actively trying to perfect their skipping skills.

In computing this week Year 2 have been exploring the benefits of using IT in the wider world. They focused on the use of IT in a shop and how barcodes and scanners work.

Week beginning Monday 13th November

Design and Technology  - Class 2 designed their picnic plate this week. We have talked about healthy food options that we need for a balanced diet looking at the different food groups, carbohydrates, protein, dairy, fats and fruit and vegetables. They made sure that they included healthy choices and a treat from the 'eat less often' group! 

Year 2 sorted words from the story The Snowman into noun and adjective groups in English this week. They then used the word banks to make interesting expanded noun phrases.  

Week beginning Monday 6th November

Year 2

In English they have been writing a diary entry this week based on a character from The Whale Song book. They worked hard to make sure they wrote in the past tense and included some interesting expanded noun phrases to enhance their writing. In maths they have been working with money. They have used their addition and subtraction skills for worded shopping problems to work out coins they need and how much change they will get.

Year 1

In English they have been writing a diary entry this week based on a character from The Whale Song book. They needed to remember to punctuate sentences and write in the first person. In maths they have been working on subtraction, building it, drawing it and using number lines to model their work.

Autumn Term 2

Week Beginning Monday 30th October

Class 2 have returned to school full of excitement, energy and  enthusiasm following their well deserved break. 

We started the week in dance by, ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’. The children explored lots of different movements: moving like a bear, running away and – of course – hiding. What a breathless journey!

Year 2 started their new unit in science, 'Animals including humans'. They worked in small groups to match, sort and group young animals and their adults.


Week beginning Monday 16th October

In geography the children planned an investigation to find out how busy Wrawby is. The children recorded how many cars/people went past the front and back entrance to the school. Here are a few photographs of them in action. 

Week beginning Monday 9th October

In gymnastics this week the children learnt the v-sit balance, front, side and back balance, arabesque and stalk. These balances were performed on the floor and then on apparatus using control. 


Class 2 were excited to see open the book worship arrive in school on Wednesday for our whole school worship. The children enjoyed watching and listening to the role play of the story 'The Sad Day.'

Can your child re-tell the story at home and recall why it was a sad day? 


In maths this week the Year 1 children have been developing their ability to add two numbers together. They have been introduced to the = and + symbols. They have used part part whole models and concrete apparatus to solve the addition calculations.


We attended church on Tuesday afternoon for our annual Harvest Festival. The children performed the song they have been rehearsing in school over the last couple of weeks called, 'In My Trolley.' The children sang beautifully and showed great confidence performing in front of an audience. 

Week beginning Monday 2nd October

What a busy start to the week! The children have been planning their own non-chronological report in English about the 'Big, Bad Wolf'. They will use their plan to help them write their report later in the week.

The children in Year 1 are thoroughly enjoying their computing lessons. They have had several practices now at logging on using their own username and password. They are becoming increasingly familiar with the layout of the keyboard. This week they enjoyed using the line tool in Paint to draw a picture of themselves then inserted a text box to type their name.


Year 2 children have been using the build it/draw it strategy in maths to add a 2 digit number to a tens number.

Year 2 armed with magnifying glasses headed to the wildlife area on a minibeast hunt in science this week. They found lots of minibeasts in different microhabitats.

Week beginning Monday 25th September

The sun was shining this afternoon for us in PE. The children explored sideways movements in the unit 'Locomotion'.

Year 2 have been using base 10 and number counters to make 2 digit number to compare using the mathematical symbols for greater than, less than and equal to. 

Week beginning Monday 18th September

In gymnastics this week the children have recapped small and large body parts and linked these together to create a sequence.

The reading group have been practising reading for fluency in pairs and have enjoyed reading a poem about animals.

The Year 2 children have been busy in computing this week creating pictograms manually and then progressed to creating them using a computer. The children have understood the advantages of using computers rather than manual methods to create pictograms, and used them to answer simple questions.

Year 2 have been looking at place value in maths today (Monday) the children used base ten and place value counters to partition a 2 digit number. 

Year 1 children are becoming more independent completing their mini-maths questions when they come into school each morning. Mini-maths revisits previously taught skills in maths.

Week beginning Monday 11th September

The year 1 and 2 children have been looking at time this week in maths and enjoyed completing a variety of activities to practise this skill.



Year 2 started their new unit in computing this week entitled 'Pictograms'. The children enjoyed looking at the importance of organising data effectively for counting and comparing. They created their own tally charts to organise data and represented the tally count as a total. Finally, they answered questions comparing totals in tally charts using the vocabulary such as 'more than' and less than'.


In gymnastics the Year 1 and 2 children have been practising balancing on large and small body parts.

Autumn Term 1

Week beginning Tuesday 5th September

The children have enjoyed returning to school and we have welcomed our new children into Class 2. The children have enjoyed making new friends and exploring their learning environment. They have settled into their new morning and end of day routines well.

