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Wrawby St Mary's CofE Primary School

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Our Vision - At Wrawby St. Mary’s CE Primary School, we strive for a full life in mind, body, heart and spirit to plan, prosper and give hope and a future to all. We believe in a journey of education enabling every child to feel love, challenge and excitement as they access skills to build future pioneers and leaders. Our school is a beacon of hope and sign of the kingdom.

Class 4

Welcome to Class 4


5S    Miss Saxby

 6B   Miss Balderson 

Summer 2- Information for parents

wb 15.07.24

Well done to year 6 for completing their maths morning this week! They worked very hard to plan a lesson full of engaging maths games to teach the other classes.

wb 15.07.27

This term class 4 have worked very hard to design and construct their very own fairground ride! They had to think very carefully about the different mechanisms and components they would need to use to create moving rides. Well done class 4 for all of your perseverance!

Wb 1.07.24 


This week Class 4 took part in Quad kids. They got to experience a variety of activities of jumping, throwing, sprinting and a long distance run. 

wb 24.06.24

What a fantastic week completing the fiver challenge! Year 6 have done brilliantly in designing, creating, advertising and selling their products. I have been blown away by the amount of determination shown by all the year 6's, working on their businesses in class, in evenings and at lunch time.

Well done to each and everyone of you smiley (and an additional thankyou for all the help of parents and everyone who supported the mini-businesses!)

Week beginning 24.06.24


This week Year 5 enjoyed their taster session at Vale Academy. They experienced a Geography lesson, a science lesson and PE. In the science lesson, they were given the opportunity to set up a bunsen burner and put different chemicals over the flame creating a variety of colours and sparkles.


After working so hard during SATs week last week, year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their end of SATs treat with a movie day and lots of sweet treats! Well done year 6!smiley


Year 5 and 6 did brilliant in athletics this week learning a range of different throws and trying hard to increase the momentum and improve on their technique.

Wb 22.04.24


This week Year 5 and 6 have been practising different shading and smoothing techniques using different mediums. We used art pencils, charcoal, chalk and oil pastels to create a smooth continuum, depth of field and a range of different tones.

Wb 16.04.24


This week Year 5 have been practising their jumping techniques in our Athletics lesson. 

Wb 4.03.2024


Wow, Class 4 have had such a busy week! We started the week with our planetarium experience which the children thoroughly enjoyed. Year 5, 6 and Reception had the opportunity to go into the planetarium dome where they learnt interesting facts about space. In the afternoon, Class 4 enjoyed the workshop. In this they were able to try dried strawberry and ice-cream, they designed their own landing equipment, created their own lander and made a mars crater out of clay. 


On Thursday, we started the day with the great big footy quiz. In the afternoon, Year 5 visited Class 1 to read them stories.

wb 19.02.24

This week year 6 started their orienteering unit. They enjoyed getting competitive, using their team work and communication skills to help them complete the group tasks.

Wb 5th February 

Class 4 thoroughly enjoyed making their clay models. They used a variety of different methods to build their model ensuring it stayed upright at all times. To finish the clay model they made to ensure they smoothed down all the edges. 



WB 29.01.24

This week, year 6 have been learning about how the amount of voltage affects a circuit. They have made predictions and carried out experiments to investigate how the amount of voltage affects the components within a simple circuit.

Week beginning 22nd January 


Class 4 have been lucky to take part in a zoom about 'Holocaust Memorial day'. This was a live event with the author Tom Palmer and a Holocaust survivor. The children listen to the author and had opportunities to write and ask questions. 

wb 15.01.24

This week year 5 loved learning how to use a microbit! They learnt how to create a code for their microbit and how to connect them to the computer. They then went on to create a code which allowed for the microbit to display their name and symbols, to create their own LED name tag.

Wb 15.01.24

This week year 6 enjoyed the first lesson of programming. They learnt about what a variable is and how to create a variable, and then added a score count to their own game using coding.

Week beginning 8th January


This week Year 5 have been introduced to our new geography topic on the Amazon Rainforest. They have been using atlases to discover where the equator is, locate Brazil and label the Amazon Rainforest. 

wb 04.12.23

This week Year 6 enjoyed getting transported back to the 1940's at Wilderspin School Museum! They got to experience an evacuation, a 1940's classroom, an air raid, discover WW2 artefacts and they even got to help an A.R.P Warden put out a 'fire'! 


This week Year 5 investigated if all mixtures are reversible. To do this we mixed bicarbonate of soda with vinegar, we thoroughly enjoyed this experiment and found this is an irreversible change. 

Week beginning 27.11.23 


This week Class 4 took part in cross country, they had to complete 4 laps of the course which was spread out across the field and the play ground. We saw some fantastic sportsman ship through the children cheering on each other. 

wb 20.11.23

Year 5 and 6 have thoroughly enjoyed DT this week. They have had the opportunity to try and research a range of UK seasonal vegetables and review them, in order to help them decide on ingredients for their WW2 stew they will be designing and creating. 

wb 13.11.23

This week in year 5, they have been learning how to use a story board and have practiced using different filming techniques, which they will later be using for their own project. In addition to this, Year 5 have been working hard on their shared write 'How to reduce our carbon footprint'. 

wb 06.11.23

Year 5 and 6 have worked very hard on their art work! They have created amazing pieces of impressionism art, in the style of Claude Monet, of the poppy fields to show respect to the WW1 soldiers prior to remembrance day. Here are a few of the final pieces...

Week Beginning 30th October 


This week in maths Year 5 have been focusing on rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. To do this we have learnt a rounding rap which the children thoroughly enjoyed learning and rapping along to. 

Week beginning 16th October 


This week, the Year 5's have been working hard to create an advert to persuade someone to become Henry VIII's second wife. We did this by using their historical knowledge taught in summer of Year 4. We then shared our piece of writing with the children in Year 4 and asked if they would be persuaded by the adverts. 

Week beginning 9th October


This week Year 5 have been exploring and investigating different pulleys to help lift objects. The children used a milk bottle to investigate how to make a pulley and how much force would be needed to lift the milk bottle. We had lots of fun doing this! 

WB 02.10.23

Last week in year 6, we created our own narrative story based on the story of 'The Lighthouse' and inspired by the photo given. Here are a few of our introductions for you to enjoy!

Independent Narrative Writing

Week beginning 25.09.23


This week in Art we attempted to recreate a painting by Claude Monet. Focusing on creating small brush strokes with unblended colour to create an impressionist style. As well as thinking about the tone and how light may reflect from an object. 

wb 18.08.23

This week in Y6 PE we have been looking at invasion games and working hard to think about how we could adapt a game of bench ball to make it easier or more challenging. We then started creating our own invasion games with a range of equipment and rules. We are looking forwards to playing the games we created next week. 

WB 11.09.2023 


This week Year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed their PE lessons. They have enjoyed different carousel activities which they had opportunities to stay on for about 5 minutes. These activities consisted of speed bounce, jumping over hurdles, throwing and capturing the ball at height, hopscotch and jumping on the spot.

WB 04.09.23

This week in Y6 science, we started looking at the circulatory system. In our first lesson, we identified the main parts of the circulatory system and looked at the functions of the heart. During this lesson we built a model of the heart to demonstrate that when the heart beats (pushing the balloon), blood gets pumped through the arteries (the open straw) and around the body.


