Welcome to Class 1
Our teachers are Mrs Hafford and Miss Merchant.
Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Turney.
Read Write Inc Phonics Programme
As part of this programme the children learn how to form their letters using rhymes. This document shows you the rhymes we use so you can join in with these at home.
Wednesday 3rd July
Today we enjoyed our school visit to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. The children were very well behaved and showed our school values well. They all seemed to have an enjoyable day and hopefully they've come home and had lots to tell you. Here are some photos to help them remember what we saw!
Week beginning Monday 1st July
Today the whole school took part in Quad Kids organised by a representative from the Get Ahead Sports Partnership. As part of the event all children took part in 4 events: sprint, distance run, vortex howler throw and a standing long jump. The aim of these events are for the children to have fun and try to beat their personal best score. They all showed great perseverance and our school motto 'Be the best that you can be'. Amazing!
Week beginning Monday 24th June
Euro football fever has come into Class 1. The children have enjoyed role playing a football match, reading football themed words and recording the score, practising number formation. The children have also looked at the flags of some of the countries participating in the tournament and they have recreated these using pegs.
The Year 1 children have been busy learning about coins and notes in maths this week. We are very conscious of how some children don't handle physical money as often as they used to, so understanding the value of money is a very important maths skill for the children to secure.
In English the children have been reading a very engaging story, The Tunnel. They have been learning some new skills including adding -ing onto the end of root words to form verbs in the present tense. They will apply this skill when writing their own version of The Tunnel next week.
Week beginning Monday 10th June
As part of their transition into Year 1, the children in Reception have been learning about the laptops. They have talked about the parts of a laptop and they have also been given their personal login. They have all had a go at logging in and then shutting the laptops down. They will have another few goes at this which will prepare them for the their Computing lessons when they start in Year 1.
Reception have been enjoying their PE lessons so far this half term. They have been learning skills to dribble and stop the ball with their hands and feet.
Year 1 have enjoyed the start of their new Computing unit this week, programming with Scratch Jnr. They remembered what they had learnt when they used the beebots and applied this to moving an on screen sprite. This is an app available for anyone to download.
Week beginning Monday 20th May
This week we welcome Joseph's mummy in as our Secret Reader who read The Gigantosaurus by Jonny Duddle. The children loved the lessons they learnt from the story.
On Tuesday we had two beekeeper visitors come into Reception. The children have been learning about life cycles, including the life cycle of honeybees. They showed the children how they collect honey and beeswax from their hives. They even got to see some of the bees that they keep. We would like to thank our visitors for giving up their time to give this experience to the children.
Week beginning Monday 13th May
This week the Reception children excitedly invited their first guest in as a Secret Reader. This is a programme we have used in previous years where we invite a member of a the children's family in to read a story to the class. Mrs Bailes has sent an email out about this but if you'd like further information please just ask or email Mrs Bailes if you are able to sign up. Our Secret Reader sessions will be held on Mondays until half term and on Thursdays after half term. This year we are focusing on Reception children.
Many thanks to Isabella's mum for being our first Secret Reader. The children were thoroughly engrossed in the story Almost Anything by Sophy Henn. It was very interesting how the children related their past experiences of trying new things and not giving up, to the story and also to our school value of perseverance.
This week the children in Year 1 have read The Railway Children and are busy planning their writing for next week. They have been learning about their bean seeds and the parts of a plant. They have brought their bean plants home, and wow how much they have grown!
The children in Reception have been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar, ready to base their writing on this next week.
A group of children communicated well in the outdoor area to build a football pitch and play football. We had Manchester United v Chelsea! They were great at taking it in turns in the goal. Amazing group work.
The children have also been signing into their Floorbook for the Summer term. The Floorbook showcases the children's learning experiences in Reception. We have asked them to sign into the book each term by drawing a picture of themselves and writing their name. This is a great way to track the progress in their drawing and writing skills.
Week beginning 7th May
Another busy week in class 1. We had a great afternoon on Friday exploring with clay in our art lesson. Year 1 made baskets inspired by our story The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch. We had to roll the clay and coil it. We also had to join it to using water. Reception explored what you can do with clay and really enjoyed mixing it with water.
In Science Y1 were naming the parts of flowering plants and trees. We also looked at our bean plants. They are growing really well - we do wonder whose will be tallest?
Reception have been enjoying the sunny weather and making the most of the outdoor class room this week.
Week beginning Monday 29th April
The children in Reception have been busy learning about growing and changing. They have enjoyed seeing whose sunflowers have started to grow and for those that haven't germinated, they have put another seed in! They have discussed the effects different conditions have on growth with their experiment about cress. They have also enjoyed improving our outdoor area by planting some pansies. Now we just have to keep them alive!!
The children have been learning about where their foods come from, particularly fruit. They have also got to taste some of the fruits as they have discussed this.
The Year 1 children have been reading The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch and some instructional writing. They have been learning about what makes successful instructions in preparation for their writing task next week.
Week beginning Monday 22nd April
This week in class 1 the children have been busy observing what has been happening with the seeds they planted in Science lessons. Year 1 have planted bean seeds and Reception Sunflower seeds.
In addition Year 1 have been busy looking at wild flowers and learning their names. We had a hunt around the school grounds to look for some. I have challenged the to look for wild flowers if they are out and about in woodland and grass areas.
Reception have welcomed their caterpillars and will be observing them over the next few weeks. In art and at the workshop table we will be busy creating caterpillars.
Year 1 have completed making their Gingerbread man puppets. Sewing was hard work but worth the effort, they look great!
Week beginning 15th April 2024
Welcome to the Summer term. The children have enjoyed lots of time outside this week as the weather has been kind to us! The children have been preparing our planter, ready to put some pansies in, by collecting sticks and leaves, then topping it up with soil. This was a great team effort by the children. The children have also been planting some herbs, kindly donated by Evelyn's parents. Fingers crossed we see some shoots soon. The children have also planted their own sunflower seeds.
In Year 1 the children have enjoyed reading the story of Vlad and the Great Fire of London. This will form the basis of their writing and grammar learning for the next 2 weeks. This builds on their knowledge that they gained about the Great Fire of London in their History lessons last term.
Week beginning Monday 18th March
What a great start to our week and our build up to Easter; our craft afternoon. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who attended. It was so lovely to see the children enjoying themselves and getting creative with you. We hoped you all enjoyed it.
Week beginning Monday 4th March
What a busy week in Class 1! We have had the fire service and police visit us to help us with our learning about the people who help us. Year 1 had the visit from the fire service too as they will use this experience to write a recount in the coming weeks. The children in Reception also enjoyed a visit from the planetarium. They will refer back to this learning in the coming weeks when we learn about our pioneer and leader, Tim Peake.
Week beginning Monday 26th February
The hall was filled with ripples of laughter and excitement on Wednesday afternoon when Steve Webb joined year 1 to lead a comic workshop.
In PSHE we have been talking about emotions and feelings. We have discussed how our emotions change throughout the day and no feeling lasts forever. We were fabulous in our talk partners, Miss Merchant was really proud.
Reception have been really busy in the classroom this week, crafting, building and role playing. Please see Tapestry for your child's individual activities and photos.
Week beginning Monday 19th February
The children have been learning in their new phonics groups this week. They have been practising their phonics in school and are looking forward to reading at home with you to build up their fluency.
The Reception children have been reading the story of The Gingerbread Man and they will be learning to retell the story next week.
The children in Year 1 have enjoyed revisiting their learning from last year about programming the beebots. They have been learning to programme them with instructions and then debugging the instructions when they don't quite go to plan!
Week Beginning 05.02.24
In Class 1 Chinese New Year has arrived! The children in Year 1 have enjoyed reminiscing about their learning from last year whilst enjoying the provision in the classroom again. Reception have been learning where China is, why people celebrate Chinese New Year and how. All of Class 1 are looking forward to a visit from Calvin Taylor Lee on Friday afternoon. Calvin is from the local Chinese community and is coming to speak to the children about Chinese New Year.
In addition to this the Reception children have been making marmalade sandwiches, either for themselves or Paddington, and then working as a group to write instructions how they did it.
Year 1 have enjoyed reading the poem 'In a twist' this week in English. They have been learning about the features of this poem and building up a bank of ideas to support them in writing their own poem.
Mr Lee's Visit
On Friday afternoon Mr Lee visited class 1, he taught us some phrases and how to write numbers. We really appreciated and enjoyed meeting him.
Year 1 continue to enjoy our work on Everyday Materials in science. This week our investigation was waterproof or absorbent?
Week Beginning 29.01.24
A great week in class 1. All the pupils have been working really hard. In PSHE we have been talking about our families and how they may look different. We drew pictures of them and discussed how they make us feel safe.
In music we learnt a new song and had great fun singing it altogether, as a round and in competing groups. Some of said we would teach it to our families! I wonder if we did?
Year 1 have been really enjoying our science work on materials, we have been exploring everyday materials and their properties. This week we did an investigation into floating and sinking. It was great fun making our predictions and seeing if we were correct.
Week beginning 22.01.24
Well done to the children in KS1 who took part in the Brigg Cluster Benchball competition on Tuesday at The Vale Academy.
In Reception for the last two weeks the children have been learning about different types of transport. Through this learning the children made ramps for cars to go down. They investigated what would happen if the ramp was steeper and also which material would make the car travel further. Some great early Science investigation learning!
In Computing, Year 1 have been learning about sorting and grouping objects according to their properties. This helps their understanding of the organisation of information on a computer. These tasks have relied on teamwork and using their speaking and listening skills to share their ideas.
Week beginning 17.01.24
Year 1 have been working on time in maths since we returned to school. We have been using analogue clocks to read and tell the time to the hour and half past. Telling the time is an important life skill and we are only at school between the hours of 9 and 3:30. Can you help us practise this skill at home and out in the world? The topmarks website has some fun time games as well.
Year 1 have been writing an explanation text about owls. We have tried really hard to use our punctuation and ensure that our writing makes sense.
In art Year 1 have been exploring sketching skills, we have used soft drawing pencils to create 2D shapes. We have experimented on applying more pressure to create darker lines and lightly creating lines by applying a little pressure. We had a go at creating a 3D shape using the shape skills we had practised. We drew a cone.
Reception are working on painting skills this term. This week we have been practising using paintbrushes with care and a small amount of paint. We have tried to paint the Elizabeth Tower in provision this week to practise these skills.
In music Class 1 had a great lesson mimicking bird song. Ask us about the birds we recreated. It was great fun.
Week beginning 8th January
Happy new year! We have enjoyed welcoming the children back into school, feeling refreshed and ready to start the spring term.
Thank you the Reception children who brought in their special books. This was about showing the children the importance of books which are special to them, leading onto us learning about special religious books, including The Bible, in our RE lessons.
The children have enjoyed playing various games to enhance their learning this week, including snap and dominoes where they have practised their skill of subitising numbers. They have also been reading numbers by playing hopscotch!
Year 1 started their new gymnastic unit this week. The children used different steeping movements demonstrating control, purpose, speed and posture.
Week beginning 18th December
We made it!! Wow, what a long term this has been. The children have been on such an incredible journey and they all well and truly deserve the next two weeks off! Our final week of the term has been finishing off units of learning and getting into the Christmas spirit. The children have enjoyed threading beads to make a snowflake decoration. We are looking forward to performing our nativity performance and then finishing the week off with a well deserved party! We wish you all a very merry Christmas and we hope that 2024 is extra special for you all. See you in 2024!
Week beginning Monday 11th December
We started our week with a wonderful craft afternoon. Thank you to everyone who made it and we hope you all enjoyed it as much as the children did. We have some very creative parents! The children then did us immensely proud when the OFSTED inspectors came to visit. They showed confidence when answering their questions and they showed great pride showing them around our classroom and explaining about their learning.
Week beginning 4th December
In maths, Reception have been learning about day and night. They have previously learnt about why we have day and night and this served as a recap of this prior learning. They then considered what activities are done during the day and night.
In RE, the children have been learning about the significance of the Christingle service and the work of The Children's Society. They have also visited the church and explored the different areas within this building that is so important in our local community. Many of the children showed an interested in attending the Christingle service in church on Christmas Eve which will be led by our very own Mrs Marr, who the children are all familiar with.
They enjoyed their PE lesson where they practised the skill of gymnastic stepping and performing a stretch jump. They put these elements together to create a short sequence.
The Year 1 children showed off all the skills they have learnt in this half term's unit of learning, digital painting. They used all the tools they had been introduced to in order to create a Christmas picture.
In DT we finally got to put our practise into theory and made our layered rainbow salads. We had lots of fun chopping and grating, we used the claw and bridge grip independently. Our salads looked and tasted great, being healthy and eating a balanced diet is fun.
Week beginning 27th November
On Tuesday, the whole school took part in a cross country event. The focus of this event was self belief and the children certainly demonstrated this as they raced around the course with smiles on their faces. Please see the gallery which you will need your username and password for for further photos.
This week the children have been learning to subitise numbers to 5. This is where they recognise the value without needing to count. Thank you to everyone who sent in photos of their child's first Christmas. The children enjoyed talking about and comparing their toys from the past and now.
Year 1
The children are trying their best at writing the story of The Snowman. They are working on demarcating sentences with full stops and question marks. They should feel very proud of their achievements since the beginning of the year. In computing, the children have continued to explore the tools in a paint programme. This week the focus was on using dots of different colours and sizes.
Week Beginning 20th November
Another busy week in Class 1. We are enjoying our new classroom environment and the extra space. Reception have been busy learning the story map for Stickman in their writing lessons. Year 1 have been mapping The Snowman and will be retelling the story next week.
In maths Reception have been learning the value of 4 and 5. Year 1 have been working on the language of taller and shorter and comparing objects.
In DT we spoke about healthy eating, we recapped the healthy eating plate and Y1 choose food they like to add to each section. We began to think about what ingredients we could add to a salad.
In PSHE we discussed how our friends can make us feel lonely and related this to our own experiences. The children were very insightful with their thoughts and comments. We thought about ways of making each other feel better and doing things that allow everyone to feel included.
In Science Year 1 went on a walk using their senses to explore our school environment.
Week beginning Monday 13th November
We have had a busy week in Class 1 with the final refurbishments being done to our classroom and then moving the furniture back in. Watch this space for some photos of our indoor learning environment in the coming weeks.
The children have enjoyed the relatively mild weather to explore their outdoor learning environment. They have enjoyed reading Stickman this week in English.
Year 1
In Computing the children have continued learning paint skills with the different tools. This week they have been using shapes, the flood fill function and also changing the thickness of the lines.
In Maths this week, the children have been learning to identify the value of coins. At home, they could continue to develop this knowledge by playing shops or actually paying for items when they are out and about.
Week beginning Monday 6th October
What a busy week in class 1! As a class in PSHE we explored the theme of friendship and what make a good friend. The children very insightful and linked this to our Wrawby values of kindness, love, peace and self control. We are continuing to learn the songs for our Christmas performance, we're very excited about this! We also enjoyed the church service for Remembrance on Friday and reception have been making and painting their own poppies.
This week Reception have been learning about the festival of Diwali. They have explored making Rangoli patterns inside and outside. In maths we have focussed on the number three and developing our understanding of mathematical language more and fewer. In writing we have been using phonics to spell cvc words linked to our story. We have really enjoyed retelling the story of Owl Babies.
Year 1
Year 1 have been writing a diary entry this week based on a character from The Whale Song book. We needed to remember to punctuate our sentences and write in the first person. In maths we have completed our current unit on subtraction. We have been building, drawing and using number lines to model our work. In Science we have moved to focus on humans and had a fun lesson naming our body parts. Next week we will be learning about senses.
Week beginning Monday 30th October
We enjoyed welcoming the children back into school after their half term break. The excitement was evident in Class 1 as we had moved classrooms! The children have adapted to this change incredibly well. We will stay here for a short amount of time whilst the building work is completed in our classroom. Another exciting part of our week was starting rehearsals for our Christmas Nativity production. The children were very excited to receive their parts. Costume letters will follow shortly but we have a very big collection of costumes already in school so we don't foresee many items being required.
The children have been learning about why we celebrate Bonfire Night and how to keep themselves and animals safe at this time. They have also started reading the story of Owl Babies which they have thoroughly enjoyed.
Year 1
In maths, the children have started learning about subtraction as finding the difference and taking away. In English, they have been reading a diary entry and learning the skills needed to write their own diary entries next week.
Week beginning Monday 16th October
The Reception children have been enjoying all things Autumn this week, including making a track for their conkers, scooping out a pumpkin, painting pumpkins and leaf printing.
Year 1
In Geography the children planned an investigation to see how busy Wrawby is. The children recorded the number of cars/people that passed the front and back entrance to the school. Here are a few pictures of them in action.
Week beginning Monday 9th October
Year 1
In maths this week the Year 1 children have been developing their ability to add two numbers together. They have been introduced to the = and + symbols. They have used part part whole models and concrete apparatus to solve the addition calculations.
In gymnastics this week the children in Year 1 learnt the v-sit balance, front, side and back balance, arabesque and stalk. These balances were performed on the floor and then on apparatus using control.
Who will help me make the bread? The Reception children will! Following reading The Little Red Hen, the Reception children have made their own bread. They are now going to use this to write a list of ingredients they needed. They will also sequence the photos of them making it.
Mondays are the Reception children's PE days. This term they have been learning about balances using large and small body parts. They can make gymnastic shapes with their bodies including a star, pike, straight and straddle. This week they have been learning how to stretch jump and land safely.
Week beginning Monday 2nd October 2023
Class 1 have continued to enjoy exploring the new resources they have been lucky to get with everyone's support at the Summer Fayre. This week they have continued to enjoy the den making kit and magnetic tiles to build big and small towers, which has extended their learning in maths.
In maths the children have explored using the vocabulary empty, full and half full. The water play has been very popular this week!
The children are doing great with their phonics learning. Most children know most of the sounds we have learnt so far and some of them are starting to blend CVC words. This week, they have practised their phonic skills with a bean bag collecting game, which encouraged team work and taking turns as well. The children are really developing their skills using the iPads to scan QR codes to link to maths games and Read Write Inc videos.
Year 1
The children in Year 1 are thoroughly enjoying their computing lessons. They have had several practices now at logging on using their own username and password. They are becoming increasingly familiar with the layout of the keyboard. This week they enjoyed using the line tool in Paint to draw a picture of themselves then inserted a text box to type their name.
Week Beginning 25th September 2023
What a busy week in Class 1! In music we have been busy learning our Harvest song and actions but we will keep this under wraps until our performance in church. We have really enjoyed learning it and sing with great gusto. Fingers crossed we don't get stage fright on the night.... (afternoon really....)
We really loved our art lesson this week. Year 1 took their pencils for a walk while listening to music and Reception made a shape self portrait. I wonder if you can work our who is who?
We continue to enjoy our classroom environment and the new things that keep appearing. We have been talking about school rules in PSHE and are trying hard to demonstrate the Wrawby values in class. In our RWI sessions we are trying hard to learn our sounds and sound blend them in Fred Talk. This week we have brought home a reading for pleasure book to enjoy along side our sound book and reading books. Please share these with us.
Year 1
In year 1 we have continued to work on our number formation and counting to 20. We have been looking at one more and less this week. Topmarks.co.uk has lots of brilliant games to help us with our number skills. We have used the caterpillar game in school to help with our counting. In writing we have been describing the troll from The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We have had great fun developing our descriptive language and writing sentences with and.
Week beginning 18th September
Year 1 enjoyed practising balancing on large and small body parts in gymnastics and linking these to create a sequence.
This week in English Year 1 have continued their story telling of The Gingerbread Man. They have made great story tellers, even adding in their own actions. They have followed this up by writing sentences to retell the story.
In maths, they have been learning the value of numbers between 11 and 20.
In Reception in maths this week, the children have been using the vocabulary of big and small and tall and short. They have started to subitise the numbers 1, 2 and 3. Subitising is an incredibly important skill the children develop in Reception. It is recognising the value of number representations without the need to count, for example when you roll a dice you know what number you have rolled because you recognise the pattern, you don't need to count the spots.
In Reception in English, the children have retold the story of The Three Little Pigs.
Week beginning Monday 11th September
In Reception this week we have enjoyed our classroom environment. We have been focusing on phonics and have spent time practising our letter formation (crib sheet at the top of the page for parents) using pens, pencils, paint brushes and fingers. We have used magnets to find the letters s, m and a. We've used our fiddly finger table to develop our motor skills by building with Lego.
Class 1
We enjoyed our PSHE session, we thought carefully about the type of classroom we would like and how we can be the best classmates to each other. Kindness, sharing and helping were high up on our agenda. In Music we have been learning the song I am grumpy... We liked putting actions to the song and especially pulling faces. Our favourite lesson of the week was art. We read the story The Dot, this is all about what you can create with a dot or circle. We practised our colour mixing skills in Y1 and Rec drew a self portrait.
Year 1
In Year 1 this week we have been learning the story of The Gingerbread Man. We have had a great time reciting it! In Maths we have been learning to tell and make the time to the hour. Please help us develop this skill by asking us the time at home. In Science we are enjoying learning about animals, this week we learnt the word invertebrate.
Week beginning Monday 4th September
The children have enjoyed returning to school and we have welcomed our new children into Reception. The children in Reception have enjoyed making new friends and exploring their learning environment.
The children in Year 1 have made a great start to their learning journey. They have worked on their letter and number formation. They have enjoyed going on a search around the school grounds for living and non-living things as part of their Science lesson. We found somethings like sticks which allowed us to have interesting conversations, ask us about it!