Welcome to Class 2
Our class teachers are Mrs Plange and Mrs Barlow.
Our teaching assistant is Mrs Culpin.
Autumn Term 1
Please see attached the parent information sheet for further information about your child's learning and spellings covered this half term.
Information sheet for parents.
Week beginning Monday 13th January
In gymnastics on Monday the children learnt to adapt and perform gymnastics movements. The children learnt to walk as gymnasts with pointed toes, high chins and arms to the side using beanbags to promote posture.
Week beginning Monday 6th January
Happy new Year and welcome back to the Spring term! We hope that all our children and families had a happy and restful break. The children have settled back into school life and had a productive first week back.
In maths the focus this week was 2D shapes. The children played pairs matching shape names to the matching picture.
Within computing the children started their new unit 'Robot Algorithms'. They began by following instructions given to them and giving instructions to others. They considered the language used to give instructions, and how that language needs to be clear and precise. They then considered a clear and precise set of instructions in relation to an algorithm, and thought about how computers can only follow clear and unambiguous instructions.
Week commencing Monday 16th December
In maths Class 2 have been making arrays to represent multiplication sentences using cubes.
Week commencing Monday 9th December
I am sure you will agree with us that each and every child shone in their Christmas performance this week. Well done Class 2 we are so proud of each and everyone of you.
A huge thank you also to all the parents who helped their children learn their lines, sent in costumes and came to watch. We hope you enjoyed watching it as much as we did rehearsing.
Open the book visited school on Monday and retold 'The Shepherd's Story' in worship. Year 6 did a great job helping to act out the story.
Week commencing Monday 2nd December
Class 2 have made a super start writing their own non-chronological report on the arctic fox.
In maths we have started a multiplication unit. Today the children have been looking at equal groups. In pairs the children matched pictures to sentences which described equal groups.
Week commencing Monday 25th November
In English we have been looking at non-fiction reports about the Arctic. The children have been detectives scanning the text for key features. (sub-headings/pictures/captions/titles/factual statements)
In maths the children have been finding different ways to make amounts using coins and notes.
What an exciting start to the week! Sarah Burdett came into school on Monday pm to lead our inter house bench ball competition. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning a new game and picked up the rules quickly.
Week Commencing Monday 18th November
Class 2 made a card on behalf of the whole school for Tesco today, in appreciation of their kind donation to the school. Tesco have kindly donated some sweets for the children's Christmas movie night and we felt this kind donation could not go unnoticed.
In computing Class 2 were introduced to the line and shape tools and revisited the fill and undo tools used for digital painting. The children then used these skills to create a digital painting in the style of the artist Piet Mondrian.
This week in maths our focus is money. The children have been recognising coins and counting money in pounds and pence.
Week beginning Monday 11th November
Inter Faith Week is an occasion that is intended to celebrate the UK’s religious diversity and strengthen ties between communities that follow different faiths and religious beliefs.
As part of Inter-Faith Week on Wednesday, Class 2 discussed, if God watched earth like we watch TV, what would he like to see. The children drew some amazing pictures and were able to explain their work in detail.
On Monday we visited church for our remembrance service. The children paused and bowed their heads, as they remembered those brave men and women who courageously volunteered for the cause of freedom and peace. A stunning display of the children's poppies had been put in place by Reverend Julie Wearing.
Week beginning Monday 4th November
Class 2 have been busy making poppies to decorate the church for our Remembrance service in church on Monday 11th November.
Week beginning Monday 28th October
What an exciting first week back after half-term!
The spooky disco was very popular on Tuesday evening. The whole class attended and looked fantastic in their costumes.
We were very privileged to receive a visit from Mr Buckley and his guide dog, Diesel on Wednesday. The children were really respectful to Diesel who was hoping for a huge fuss from them all, which did come at the end.
Mr Buckley explained that since this German shepherd dog has come into his life, it has transformed his life. Before this, he had to get around with a white cane and life was much harder. There are less than 4,000 guide dogs in the UK and yet there are around 340,000 people registered blind or partially sighted. This year, 1300 puppies will start their journey to become a guide dog. It costs £29 per hour of specialist training, and we feel this is very deserving of further recognition and support.
Please consider making donations directly to the charity Donate to Charity Online | Guide Dogs
In school, we are holding a Name The Puppy competition and will have a non- uniform day this Monday - 4th November. Children do not need to pay to arrive in non-uniform, but we will accept cash donations as this is a charity organisation and so we're hoping to raise over £200 in school to help with this amazing work.
Week beginning 14th October
What a wonderful half term it has been! The children have been working so hard in Class 2 and have really enjoyed a great deal of learning. This week we would like to thank all parents and carers who attended parents evening it was lovely to meet with you.
This week has seen the completion of some of our units of work. In Geography we rose to Mr Brown's challenge and tried to showcase what we had learnt in the creation of a double page spread. This is the first time we have presented our learning in this way and we tried really hard.
Week beginning Monday 7th October
In computing the children have been learning how to log onto the laptops and access a website using their keyboard and mouse. They then used Paintzapp to draw a picture of themselves and type their name.
Week beginning Monday 30th September
In music our class have been using claves to play patterns to accompany their singing.
In maths we have been partitioning numbers to 100 using the part whole model. Children have used the build it draw it model to secure their number knowledge.
Week beginning Monday 24th September
In maths we have been recognising tens and ones in 2-digit numbers. We have been building numbers using a range of apparatus.
KS1 took part in our annual cross country on Monday and despite the wet conditions they completed the course with high energy levels and enthusiasm. The Year 6 children led the warm-up, cheered KS1 on and help direct the children around the course. A huge well done to all who took part and Year 6 for your help.
Week beginning Monday 9th September
We have enjoyed welcoming Class 2 back to school. The children have enjoyed seeing their friends, sharing their summer holiday news and exploring their learning environment. They have settled into their new morning and end of day routines well.