Welcome to Class 2
Our class teachers are Mrs Plange and Miss Merchant
Our teaching assistant is Mrs Culpin
Year 2 have access to Times Table Rockstars (TTRS). You can visit Times Tables Rock Stars (ttrockstars.com) to log on. You will need to log on as a student, find Wrawby St. Marys Primary School. Your username and password are in your spelling books. Mrs Plange has set it so you can practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
Week Beginning 10.07.23
Year 2 made plastic bag parachutes in science this week. The children discovered when the parachutes were released the weight pulls down on the strings and and opens up a large surface area of material which slowed the plastic character attached down.
Week beginning 03.07.23
Year 2 enjoyed an awe and wonder science lesson this week. We completed a paper towel colour mixing experiment linked to our previous learning on materials. The children had 2 cups, food colouring, paper towels and water. They made a tube out of the kitchen roll and bent it in half and dipped one end into each cup containing different primary food colours. The children discovered that the kitchen roll is absorbent and found it exciting to see the water and colour travel. The colours mixed when they joined together, red and blue made purple.
Week beginning 26.06.23
Year 1 enjoyed a really fun science lesson this week. We are working on scientific enquiry and completing some investigations this term. This week we followed our previous learning about materials by exploring mixtures. We made a mixture by combining paint, washing up liquid and water. It was very messy and very enjoyable. Thomas said it was the best science lesson ever! Ask us about the science behind the bubbles.
Year 2 have been completing some work on position and direction in maths this week. Do you know your left from your right? We enjoyed playing peg + cat games, using positional language to find the pirates treasure. https://pbskids.org We have also worked in groups to make our own pirate treasure maps.
In English we have been reading the story Mama Panya's Pancake, A Village Tale from Kenya. We ordered the events of this story in one of our lessons. We are very much enjoying it.
Summer Term 2
Week beginning Monday 19th June
We dodged the rain on Tuesday to take part in an orienteering activity which challenged the children's mind and bodies. The children had to navigate between control points marked on an orienteering map. The children worked well in their teams and were very competitive.
In RE we have been learning about the Torah. Children had the opportunity to make their own scroll and wrote important facts about the scroll inside. We used teabags to make the scrolls look old.
Week beginning Monday 12th June
Year 2 put their times tables knowledge to the test in maths on Tuesday by playing a game of pairs. Children matched the multiplication to its answer.
Week beginning Monday 5th June
On Thursday Class 2 had an amazing day at Rand Farm meeting the animals.
In computing we have been become accustomed to the ScratchJr programming environment. Children discovered that they can move characters on-screen using commands, and compared ScratchJr to the Bee-Bots used in previous computing units.
Week beginning Mon 22nd May
On Wednesday the Year 2 children were looking closely at the bulbs and seeds they planted last week. The children have been observing the seeds and bulbs daily to see which germinated first. We discussed how we knew the cress had germinated the quickest.
On Tuesday morning the children took part in Quad kids the activities included throwing, sprints, a distance run and jumping.
In athletics this week (Mon) we have been working on our accelerating and decelerating skills when running.
Week beginning Mon 8th May
In RE we have been looking in detail at Christian places of worship this half term. We have been identifying key objects, features and symbols. This week we have been looking at candles which are symbols of Jesus as the light of the world. We discussed how candles are lit during worship as a form of prayer, listening and speaking to God.
The year 2 children have been busy in science planting seeds and bulbs. We will be observing them closely over the coming days/weeks to see which germinates first.
Week beginning Monday 1st May
Coronation Celebrations!
We made a collage of King Charles' head and a crown. We also spent a lovely afternoon with our families. Thank you to all who came.
Year 1 Science this week has been about trees. Can you identify evergreen and deciduous trees and explain what the characteristics are?
Week Beginning Monday 24th April
Year 2 children have been introduced to statistics this week. They have gained experience using tally charts as a systematic method of recording data.
In PE on Monday we started our Athletics unit. The children practised jumping for distance by swinging their arms, taking off from the balls of their feet and landing on two feet.
Week Beginning 17th April
It has been lovely to see the children back and full of enthusiasm after the Easter break. We have started a number of new topics this week. In English we have been learning about instructional writing and have been learning the text, How to trap a troll by Pie Corbett. In maths, Y2 have been learning about three dimensional shapes thinking about the number of faces, edges and vertices each shape has. Pupils have moved into new reading groups and have enjoyed the texts they have read. In art we have started to learn about the artist Georgia O'Keeffe, pupils learned a little about her life. In Science both year groups are learning about plants. Year 1 went on a walk around school looking for wild flowers, we saw daisies and dandelions.
Year 2 investigated 3D shapes in maths counting the number of faces, edges and vertices.
Week Commencing 27th March
In D.T. we completed our boats for Max and tested them. They all floated! We really enjoyed this unit of work.
Week commencing 20th March
Year 1 had a brilliant Science session on Wednesday afternoon. Our pioneer is Marie Curie and she loved exploring with magnets when she was young. We really enjoyed exploring our classroom to find what was magnetic and what was not.
In English Y2 were learning about tenses, present and past tense. We worked in pairs to sort sentences into past and present tenses. We thought about how it is really important in our speech to use the correct tenses for our verbs.
Week commencing 13th March
Another busy week in class 2. Thank you for your donations for Comic Relief. We enjoyed coming to school in our own clothes on Friday. We continue to work hard in all our lessons. Ask us all about Florence Nightingale, this week we were finding out what other people felt about her. In Science both Y1 and Y2 are learning about their science pioneers. In PE our dance is building up and we have added a travelling boat scene. We had a brilliant Friday afternoon starting our boat constructions, we cannot wait to see if they all float!
Week commencing 06.03.23
This week we have been having lots of fun playing outside in the fresh air. We have been using new playground equipment. This helps us stay fit, be healthy and share with our friends. This links to our PSHE work this term which is being healthy.
Year 1 science has been great fun, we have been making mixtures. We predicted what we thought we happen, the used our observational skills to look at what happened and finally we discussed using our scientific language.
Week commencing 27.02.23
This week has been very busy in school. We are enjoying our new curriculum topics. Our driver in dance is the book Where the Wild Things Are, this week we moved expressively to music to explore and create a forest. We are using the same book to drive our DT, we will be making a boat for Max to sail across the sea. This week we explored which materials would be suitable to make our boats with. This links with Y1 and Y2 science work on materials. We have been building our vocabulary and ensuring we use scientific terms. We realised that absorbent materials would not be suitable.
We celebrated books on Thursday for World Book Day. Thank you for coming in and reading with us.
In addition in writing we completed our stories based on the text Katie in London. In maths we have been working on multiplication. Year 2 have access to Times Table Rock Stars to practise their facts at home. In science Y2 completed a science experiment testing surfaces and Y1 thought about choosing the best materials for the job, thinking about why metal would not be good for a jumper.
Week commencing 20.02.23
In RE we have learnt about one of the five key duties Muslims are asked to fulfil to keep them on the straight path (Shariah) which is to pray five time a day. This week the children have learnt how Muslims prepare for prayer(Wudu).
In maths the Year 2 children have been working hard subtracting two 2 -digit numbers that cross ten using base ten.
Week commencing 6th February
This week we have completed our printing work in art, we have thoroughly enjoyed this topic.
Week 1 was exploring textures and patterns in our environment. We took rubbings of what we found and used these to create an image.
In week 2 we explored printing with objects in our classroom. We then used our favourite to make a rotated or repeating pattern.
During week 3 we explored shapes in patterns and we used sponges to make our own motifs. We then used these to create repeated or rotated patterns.
In weeks 4 and 5 we worked on collagraph prints. We made a design on card one week and then explored printing it the next week. We had to think about the textures, pressure and colours we used.
Finally in week 6 we used what we have learnt and we used our favourite technique to create a printed image of a London Landmark. What can you recognise?
Week commencing 30.01.23
In science the Year 2 children have been investigating how some materials can change shape by squashing, bending, stretching and twisting.
In science Year 1 pupils have been investigating materials and their properties. We were exploring which of our classroom items float and sink. We made predictions first and then we tested our ideas.
Week commencing 23.01.23
The Year 2 children have been busy in maths this week representing numbers in different ways using a range of manipulatives.
In Geography we had great fun looking in atlas's. We were locating the U.K., London and Brigg. We then marked where they were on a blank map of the U.K.
In English we have been looking at extending sentences using conjunctions.
Week commencing 16.01.23
On Tuesday we welcomed Calvin Taylor Lee into school to talk to the children about the Chinese new year.
Calvin taught the children how to write the numbers 1-10 and gave each child a present to take home. The present was presented in a red envelope and contained the child's name written in Chinese on rice paper. The children thoroughly enjoyed listening to Calvin and listen intently. Please find below some pictures from the lesson.
Week commencing 09.01.22
The children have settled back into school life this week and have working hard in a variety of lesson.
They particularly enjoyed ICT this week in which we have been programming robots and investigating the function of buttons.
In maths the Year 2 children have been using small clocks to show quarter past and quarter to the hour.
We have started a new Geography unit this term. Our learning question this week is What is the U.K.? We have located the U.K. on a globe, world map, map of Europe. We have named the countries that make up the U.K. and we have started to learn a little about each country. You could use BBC Bitesize to develop your learning at home if you want.
In Art we have been printing! It was such a fun and messy lesson. We learnt about monoprints and explored making our own using objects we have in class. We used our ideas to create a pattern, either rotated or repeated. Our sketch books are still drying so keep and eye out and we will upload some work next week!
This week in Class 2 Christmas has landed. We enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch on Wednesday, wore our Christmas jumpers and had our Christmas craft afternoon! Thank you to all our guests who came to help us get crafting, it was fabulous to see you. Our main focus was developing our cutting skills. We have made calendars and cards in class as well to further practise these skills. We, of course continue to practise our songs for Church and the KS1 performance.
In addition we have been really busy in our lessons as well. In English we have been learning about persuasive letters and different sentence types. Ask us about commands, exclamations, questions and statements. In maths Y2 have been learning the multiplication symbol and developing work using arrays. Y1 have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and working on repeated addition. In reading Y1 have completed their RWI assessments and Y2 have been reading texts about islands, developing our comprehension.
Our History lesson this week was about what children did in Wrawby in the past. We looked at some of the things they may have played with and compared this with our toys. The children may ask you what you played with, watched and listened to as a child. This linked to class worship this week, we discussed television and how this has changed over time.
In PSHE we have been working on friendships and conflict resolutions. The pupils made us so proud with their fabulous ideas about how we can solve our problems together. They demonstrated maturity and empathy in our circle time discussion.
Design Technology
This term we have been exploring where our food comes from and healthy eating. This week we made apple and sultana crumble in class. We chopped our apples and made our own crumble topping.
We learnt the claw and bridge technique to chop safely.
We rubbed the flour and butter together, then we added some oats and a little bit of sugar.
Week Beginning 28th November Highlights
This week in maths Year 1 have been counting in 10s, 2s, and 5s. Year 2 have been adding equal groups and working on repeated addition. We have introduced arrays to support this work.
In English we have completed our stories based on the Snowman and the Snow dog.
In history we looked at some photos of Wrawby school in the past and compared with our current school. We showed some great understanding and critical thinking skills. We realised they wouldn't have had the same technology and equipment as us. We looked at the expectations and rules of schools in the past. We were a little shocked at the treatment of the pupils.
In addition we continue to rehearse the Christmas performance.
In Science Year 1 learnt some new language this week, omnivore, carnivore and herbivore. We explored these words and what they meant. This enabled us to group animals in different ways.
Week Beginning 14th November
Wow! What a busy week it has been in school!
During our PSHE lesson we talked about bullying, as part of anti-bullying week and what this is and what it means. We showed great understanding about how we can support one another and be the best classmates.
On Friday we wore non uniform and donated money to Children in Need. We explored what happens to the money raised. We discussed disabilities and how that would affect people's lives. We showed great compassion and understanding in our discussions. Miss Merchant was really proud of us all.
In maths we are working on money. We have had to remember to add using the value of the coins and notes. Year 1 have been sorting and ordering the money and Year 2 have been counting the totals and exploring different ways you can make the same amount. If you would like to help us in our learning we could practise handling and counting money at home. This game would help us with these skills as well: Toy Shop Money Game (GBP) - Topmarks
In English we are developing our story telling skills. We are reading The Snowman and the Snowdog book. We have been using retrieval and inference skills to pick out the characteristics of the Snowman. This has enabled us to enrich our vocabulary.
In Science both Year 1 and Year 2 continue to develop knowledge on animals and animal classification. This week Year 1 explored amphibians, reptiles and fish. We looked at what defines these groups and compared animals.
In DT we looked at the journey of food from 'farm to fork'. This was really interesting and we learnt some surprising facts. Ask us about them.
We are busy learning the Christmas performance. Our singing is sounding great! We have impressed Mrs Plange and Miss Merchant by learning our lines so quickly. The slips have been sent about costume needs. If there are any issues please contact a member of the class team.
Visit to the Postmill
On Thursday 3rd November we visited Wrawby Postmill. Our visit was part of our new history topic, How has Wrawby changed? We met some lovely volunteers, who maintain and upkeep the Postmill and listened really carefully about the history of the mill. It was built over 300 years ago and we were fascinated when we looked around. It has inspired us for our learning about Wrawby.
This week (Monday 14th October) has been another busy one in class 2! We have been continuing our work on animals in science. Year 2 have been learning about omnivores, carnivores and herbivores. Meanwhile Year 1 have been categorising animals and learning about mammals, birds, reptiles fish and amphibians.
We have written recounts of out trip to The Deep and continued our work on addition in maths. Year 1 have been learning number bonds to ten. We need to know these by heart. Year 2 have worked on adding three numbers and moved onto adding two, two digit numbers. We have used number lines to support us with this.
We have finished our work on sketching skills. Look at some of our wonderful work.
We hope you have a wonderful half term. See you on the 31st October!
Year 1 have been continuing to word on part whole models to combine two numbers creating a total. We have also learnt the equals symbol by making it with cubes.
In maths we are working on addition. Year 2 were looking at related facts. For example if I know 8 + 2= 10 then I know 80 + 20 = 100. We played a great game with our friends hunting for facts.
We continued being map detectives in Geography. We hunted for symbols that represent human and physical features around Wrawby. We worked well in in mixed year group partners. We also learnt about compass directions. We looked for things on the map that were north and south of our school. What did we find?
This week is 'Children's Mental Health Week'. (Week commencing Monday 10th October)
This year the theme is 'Let's Connect'. Children were given the opportunity to connect with children in their house colour and siblings from different year groups.
The school took part in a range of activities which included mindful colouring, making stress balls, yoga, puzzles, nature walk and listening to relaxing music.
Wednesday 5th October was an exciting day in Class 2. A great day was had by all on our first school trip to the Deep in Hull.
October Highlights
The children took part in a cross-country race this morning (Mon 3rd Oct). It was great to see the children all cheering on their friends and trying really hard to finish the course. Further photos are available in the gallery.
Who has the biggest feet in Year 1?
We had a fun Science lesson in Year 1. We investigated if the tallest person had the largest hands and feet. We worked together to draw around and measure our hands and feet. We were wrong the tallest person did not have the biggest feet!
In maths we have been exploring numbers. We have been counting, reading and writing them. It is important that we write them correctly.
Year 1 have been representing numbers to 20.
Year 2 have been representing numbers to 100. We have been explaining what each digit represents and using manipulatives to model the numbers.
Year 1 have been on a senses walk this week around the school grounds. We used our senses of smell, touch, sight and hearing to explore. Autumn is a great time for a senses walk. If you are out and about at the weekend what can you explore using your senses?
Year 2 have taken their learning in Science outside as well. We had a minibeast hunt around the school grounds. I wonder how many minibeasts you can find in your garden?
September 2022 Highlights
Our Geography topic has been really exciting! We have been map detectives this week. We used Google Earth and Digimaps to locate Wrawby and Brigg. We looked carefully at the aerial views and maps to locate some landmarks, like our school, church, home and windmill. We worked so well supporting each other to find these places.
We are working really hard on our handwriting. We need to use joined writing and the RWInc. rhymes for letter formation help us to form our letters correctly.