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Wrawby St Mary's CofE Primary School

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Our Vision - At Wrawby St. Mary’s CE Primary School, we strive for a full life in mind, body, heart and spirit to plan, prosper and give hope and a future to all. We believe in a journey of education enabling every child to feel love, challenge and excitement as they access skills to build future pioneers and leaders. Our school is a beacon of hope and sign of the kingdom.

Class 3

Welcome to Class 3

4R Mrs Robson

3S Miss Saxby

Information for parents Summer 2

Information for parents Summer 1

Information for parents Spring 2 

Information for Parents Spring 1

Information for Parents Autumn 2

Information for Parents Autumn 1 

Week beginning 3rd July - Visit to MKN Stadium in Hull

On Monday 3rd July, Class 3 were treated to a visit to the home of Hull City Football Club where Lisa, Kate, Hannah, Rebecca and Georgia gave them a guided tour behind the scenes. We explored the changing rooms, ran through the dugout, sat in the VIP chairs at the edge of the pitch and in the seats in the stadium before playing some games and then testing our knowledge. 

Week beginning 26th June


This week Year 3 have been investigating 'What is light?'. To do this, they had 7 mysterious boxes with something different in each box. The children had to explore and investigate each box to identify what objects were in each box. They had a fantastic time and were able to identify light enables us to see things. 

Week beginning 19th June

No amount of rain was going to stop Year 3 and 4 from taking part in the orienteering event at school on Tuesday. The children had to work with a partner to complete several different courses within the school grounds. At each marker, they were required to use their dibber that stored their timings electronically, before returning to base for their next challenge. 

Week beginning 12th June

Year 4 have been learning about why pilgrimage is important within different faiths. Over the past few weeks we have been focussing on the Hindu pilgramage of Kumbh Mela, finding out what happens during this 55 day event. In small groups the children have created an information poster relating to one of the key elements of Kumbh Mela. Please use the QR codes below to view their work.


Week beginning 5th June 2023 

 After our amazing, fun filled day to Murton Park Year 3 wrote a recount of the day. Reminiscing of the incredible activities we got to do on the day. Here are some of our recounts: 

Week beginning 15th May 2023

It's been a busy week in Year 4. In English we are currently writing our 'Day in the life of an Anglo Saxon' diary entries by reliving our visit to Murton Park. Crafting our sentences carefully to make good word choices we are incorporating adverbials of time and subordinating conjunctions. 

On Wednesday morning, we had a visit from a group of Year 6 children who took over our maths lessonas part of National Numeracy Week. The children engaged in a variety of games including 'Countdown' and 'Shape Sorter'. There was also a multiplication 'Connect Four' which was great fun. 

Our Science lesson on Wednesday afternoon saw the Year 4 children learning about the different stages of the water cycle. We made our own water cycles in sandwich bags adn have hung them on the classroom windows so we can see them at work.



Week beginning 8th May 2023

Year 4 have been investigating which materials are good thermal insulators this week. We wrapped ice cold cups of water in paper, tinfoil and cloth and measured the temperature of the water, using a thermometer,  every 15 minutes over a two hour period. Once we had collected all of the data in a table, we transferred it onto a line graph. Our results varied, but we found out both the cloth and tinfoil were good insulators.


Year 3 have been creating an investigating to see if different plants need different things to survive. We have planted cacti, tomato and cress seeds into a soil tray and a sand tray. We will continue to water and observe the plants in the next coming weeks. 

Week beginning 24th April 2023


On 27th April 2023, Class 3 visited Murton Park to take part in an immersive Viking/Anglo-Saxon day, linking to their history units. Upon arrival the children were dressed in tunics and taken to the Viking village where they woke up a rather grumpy Lord! To ensure the children could become settlers in this village, replacing three stinky, ugly and lazy families, they had to complete multiple tasks: making bread, guard duty, farming, strategy and pottery.


A fantastic day was had by all (including the slaves - teachers!)

Week beginning 27th March


What a busy week for Class 3! In their science lessons, both Year 3 and 4 have been exploring their Year group pioneer. Year 3 have been learning about Jane Goodall and her work with chimpanzees. They then went on to create a habitat that was suitable and sustainable for Chimpanzees to live in. Year 4 have been learning about Steven Hawking, they used torches to learn about constellations. 


Later on in the week, Class 3 came together to assemble their final biscuit packaging box. They started by cutting out their net, making the folds in the correct places, putting their design onto the net and finally assembling the net. 

Week beginning 6th March 


This week Year 3 have been working incredibly hard learning about column multiplication. To help us in our learning we have used Base-10 to build and answer our multiplication question. Take a look at some of our work: 

Week beginning 27th February


Year 3 have had loads of fun this week in maths when learning about statistics. We've learnt how we draw a tally chart, pictogram and bar chart. When drawing a bar chart we went out onto the playground to see how many boys and girls we had in Year 3. Mr Matthews then drew around the children to show what a bar chart should look like. 

Week beginning 20th February

This week, the children in Year 4 have been learning how to create their own classification keys to sort different creatures found in our school environment.

Week beginning 30th January


This half term Class 3 have been working extremely hard in their art lessons. As we are approaching the end of our art unit, Class 3 have designed an Ancient Egyptian piece of art work and next week they will copy their designs onto a foam board and print it. I am incredibly proud of their efforts and can't wait to see the end product!

Year 4

A part of our class reading for pleasure time, Year 4 have been reading 'Secrets of a Sun King' by Emma Carroll. Our next writing unit will be a diary entry based on one of the characters and the following videos tell the story aswell as let you read along at the same time. Happy listening!

Secrets of a Sun King | Chapter 1 - 5 | PART 1

Secrets of a Sun King | Chapter 6 - 7 | PART 2


Secrets of a Sun King | Chapter 8 - 13 | PART 3

Secrets of a Sun King | Chapter 14 - 21 | PART 4

Secrets of a Sun King | Chapter 22 - 23 | PART 5

Week beginning 16th January 2023

Over the past few weeks, the children in Year 4 have been learning about the features of a newspaper report. This week, they became roving reporters, planning and producing their own report based on Howard Carter's discovery of the sarcophagus of King Tutankhamum. 

Week beginning January 9th 2023


This week Year 3 and 4 have worked extremely hard. In Art we have been learning and creating repeated patterns. 

Week beginning December 5th 2022


And so the Christmas festivities began...


Tucking into our delicious Christmas dinner on Christmas Jumper Day!

Christmas crafts with our families

Week beginning 21st November 2022


As part of Year 4s science unit about sound, the children explored how pitch can be made higher or lower on a variety of instruments.

Week beginning 14th November 2022


The children in Year 4 have been having fun creating their own ear defenders! We used a range of different materials in our investigation to find out which material was better at insulating sound and protecting our ears.

Week beginning 31st October 2022.


Year 3 and 4 also experienced grinding wheat with the heavy grindstones and moving the entire top of the windmill so that the sails could always face the oncoming wind. The children have had lots of fun and will be able to use this knowledge in their DT lessons. 

Week beginning 17th October 2022


Over the last few weeks, Year 3 have been using the poem ' I asked the little boy who cannot see' as a writing stimulus. The children have been working hard to recreate their own poems about this little boy who cannot see colour. They have tried extremely hard to make sure their poems rhyme at the end of each line. Here are some of our poems- 


I asked the little boy who cannot see


I asked the little boy who cannot see, 

"And what is colour like?" 

"Why blue," said he

"Is like a calm stream in the country

Side. Pink is like a flowery tree.

And brown is like a fluffy cockapoo.

White is like a noisy cockatoo 

Green is like a slimy slug 

And red is like a rough rug 

Purple is like lovely lavender" 


By Ruairi 


I asked the little boy who cannot see


I asked the little boy who cannot see, 

"And what is colour like?" 

"Why green," said he

"Is like the sky. 

And red is like a tasty strawberry pie.

And blue is like the water from a fountain. 

White is like when you climb up a mountain. 

Purple is like thunder and lightning from the clouds"


By Esther 


I asked the little boy who cannot see


I asked the little boy who cannot see, 

"And what is colour like?" 

"Why white," said he

"Is like a fluffy polar bear. 

Pink is like a flamingo's hair 

Red is like smooth roses. 

Blue is like the running water from the hoses 

Green is like the wet grass. 

Yellow is like brass" 


By Blake 

Week beginning 3rd October 2022 


In science Year 3 have been investigating 'what materials are magnetic?'. The children choose objects from around the room and made a prediction as to whether the material would be magnetic or non-magnetic. They then used magnets to investigate and find the results. 

Year 3 have been introduced to our new writing unit: poetry using 'The boy who cannot see' as writing stimulus. The children have analysed different poetry texts to create our own success criteria for when they write their independent poem. 

Week beginning 26th September 2022


Year 4 began their new writing unit this week: writing a persuasive letter. To tune the children into the type of language they will need to use, we practised our powers of persuasion with a silent debate followed by a whole class debate about whether children should be allowed to use mobile phones in school. There were some interesting arguements, for and against. After listening carefully to all, the children didn't think they should be able to bring mobile phones into school.
